Mail Postage Service

Mail Postage Service


Virtual Mailbox: An online mailbox where you can log in to view and manage your mail 24/7.

You have complete privacy and control over your Virtual Mailbox from your Launchese Dashboard.

UK Address: An address to receive, store, and handle your mail. Launchese Mail Service provides street addresses so that can receive both letters and documents.

Mail Notification: When an item comes to your address, you will be notified via your email address.

Letter Scanning: If you want to read your mail online, you can request to open and scan your letters.

Incoming Mail Mail that arrives for you, including letter mail, large envelopes, soft packs, and boxes.

Most services set a limit for the number of incoming items per month. Launchese Mail Service offers UNLIMITED incoming items for all plans.

Forwarding Addresses: Address you want to ship your mail/packages to, such as your home abroad. 

You can add UNLIMITED forwarding addresses and receive your mail where you are.

Storage: When letters and packages come to your address, they occupy the warehouse space, we store all your letters and documents for Free for 12 months.

Pick-up: f you ever wish to pick up your mail in person, you could let us know in advance and stop by at our offices.