LLP Company Formation

LLP Company Formation


Limited Liability Partnerships are often referred to in their abbreviated form as LLP. LLP’s were introduced in 2000 by the Partnerships Act 2000 to provide partnerships with the limited liability previously only available to companies. The LLP formation is popular when a ‘professional partnership’ would like the benefit of protected liability. This is particularly suited to accountants, solicitors, architects, consultants, surveyors and other fields of expertise where a partnership is preferred to a limited company.

How can we help?

As a partner of Companies House, Launchese will help the formation of yourLLP.As soon as Companies House approves your new LLP registration, we will send your Certificate of Incorporation, LLP documents, and a draft LLP Agreement to your email address.

More aboutLLP

Benefits of an LLP

There are numerous benefits to be had from trading through an LLP -

- Limited liability protects the member’s personal assets from the liabilities of the business. LLP’s are a separate legal entity to the members.

- Flexibility. A written agreement between the members determines the operation of the partnership and distribution of profits. This may allow for greater flexibility in the management of the business.

- The LLP is deemed to be a legal person. It can buy, rent, lease, own property, employ staff, enter into contracts, and be held accountable if necessary.

- Corporate ownership. LLP’s can appoint two companies as members of the LLP. In an LTD company, at least one director must be a real person.

- Designate and non-designate members. You can operate the LLP with different levels of membership.

- Protecting the partnership name. By registering the LLP at Companies House, you prevent another partnership or company from registering the same name.

Disadvantages of an LLP

As with all formats of business, there will be disadvantages as well as advantages. The following may be considered disadvantageous in some cases.

- If you are not living in the UK, you might have difficulties to get a Business Bank Account.

- Public disclosure is the main disadvantage of an LLP. Financial accounts have to be submitted to Companies House for public record. The accounts may declare the income of the members, which they may not wish to be made public.

- Income is a personal income and is taxed accordingly. There may be tax advantages in registering as a company, but this will depend on your personal circumstances.

- Profit can not be retained in the same way as a company limited by shares. This means all earned profit is effectively distributed with no flexibility to hold over profit to a future tax year.

- An LLP must have at least two members. If one member chooses to leave the partnership, the LLP may have to be dissolved.

- Residential addresses were historically recorded at Companies House. Whilst the use of ‘service addresses’ now allows for home addresses to be kept out of public view, any address previously supplied to Companies House is still part of the public record unless you pay for the records to be suppressed. For many businesses, this is not a problem. However, there are some examples where this may not be desired. Consider solicitors and partners of law firms that may not want their home address so freely available if their work involves sensitive cases.